ACL Research Studies
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ACL Registry
The purpose of this study is to evaluate lower extremity (leg) structure before and after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. While much is known about clinical outcomes following ACL reconstruction surgery, less is known about the structure of the thigh muscles, knee cartilage, and ACL graft donor site before and after surgery.
WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THIS STUDY? We are trying to find what biological, biomechanical, and psychological factors influence safe return to sport and reduce your risk of future injury
WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE? Patients who will undergo (or have recently undergone)ACL reconstruction surgery.
WHAT WILL THIS STUDY ENTAIL? Patients will participate in six study visits and may be asked todo the following:
- Complete Questionnaires
- Functional Assessment
- Magnetic Resonance
- Imaging (MRI)
- Strength testing
- Knee ligament laxity testing
You will be compensated $50 for each study visit.
Interested in participating in this study?